Main Toolbar Window



add a new automation

upload automation from local .json file

opens the settings window

opens the license window

opens the forum in the web browser

Context Menus

Categories context menu:

add automation

create a new empty automation inside this category.

add category

add a new category with a custom name for organizing automations.


rename this category.

export all

export all the automation inside this category to a custom folder, a new .json file will be created for every automation inside the category.

use this option to share/move the entire category content to other user/computer or backup the category so in case of error you will have a backup of all your automations ready to be installed again.

delete category

deletes this category and all it's content

(this action can't be undone).

Automation button context menu:


opens the editor window for this automation, in the editor you should create the instructions for this automation. see more in Creating Automations.

edit information

opens information the window, change the name, description and category.


duplicates this automation (in case you need similar automation in other category with some changes).


export this automation as .json file format ready to be shared with other user/computer.

create shortcut file

create a jsx script file that can be used as a keyboard shortcut for this automation.

read more at Keyboard Shortcuts.


deletes this automation.

read more about the "create shortcut file" option here

Last updated